So…Who Is Lucy Lumen and what do you do?

Great question...

I’m Lucy, a film photographer, Youtuber and content creator who is obsessed with every aspect of the visual world!

I work with brands both locally and globally to concept ideas that cut through the noise on socials and bring a unique and nostalgic feel to the sometimes generic imagery we see online today.

Building my own personal brand and YouTube channel as well as an engaged community of creatives on Instagram I know what performs, what moves the needle and how to stop the scroll. I’m not busy obsessing over the gear to do the job, I’m obsessing over how to get the best outcome for you as a brand through content that aligns with your values, holds attention and tells a story that people connect with.

I love building long term relationships with clients and with me in your corner your content will be consistent, look amazing and leave you free to do the important things in your biz!

I love to chat so don’t be shy, say hello!

Love Lucy xx